
1. Retrieve specified information for the account holder who are not in ‘Ahmedabad’.
Ans: select * from account where city not in ‘Ahemdabad’;

2. Retrieve specified information for the account holder who are not in ‘Ahmedabad or ‘Vadodara’.
Ans: select * from account where city not in('Ahemadabad', 'Vadodara');

3. Retrieve those records of Account holder whose balance between is 50000 and 100000.
Ans: select * from account where balance between 50000 and  1000000;

.4.Retrieve those records of Account holder whose balance not between is 50000 and 100000.
Ans: select * from account where balance not between 50000 and 100000;

5. Display only those records whose amount is 5000, 25000, 30000.
Ans: select * from Transaction where amount in (5000, 25000, 30000);

6. Display only those records whose amount not in 5000, 25000, 30000.
Ans:  select * from Transaction where Amt not in (5000, 25000, 30000);

7.Display System date.
Ans: select sysdate from dual;

8. Find the date,15 days after today’s date.
Ans:  select sysdate + 15 from dual;

9.. Perform the following operation using a DUAL table.
5*5,34+34,1000/300,length of ‘uvpce’,display only month of systemdate
               1:  select 5*5 "multiplication" from dual;
               2: select 34+34 "sum" from dual;
               3:select 1000/300 "Div" from dual;
               4:select length('uvpce') "Length" from dual;
               5:selectto_char(sysdate, ‘mon’) from dual;
10.Find the date,20 days before today’s date.
Ans:  select sysdate - 20 from dual;


1.create table Transaction(Acc_no varchar2(5), tr_Date Date, Amt Number(10,2),  type_of_tr Char(1), mode_of_pay varchar2(10));

insert into Transaction values('A001', '03-may-04', 10000, 'D', 'cash');
insert into Transaction values('A002', '05-july-04', 5000, 'W', 'Cheque');
insert into Transaction values('A003', '12-Aug-04', 25000, 'D', 'Cheque');
insert into Transaction values('A004', '15-may-04', 30000, 'D', 'Cheque        ');
insert into Transaction values('A005', '22-oct-04', 15000, 'W', 'cash');

1.Find the total transaction amount of account holder from transaction table.
Ans: select sum(amt)”sum”  from Transaction;

2.Find minimum amount of transaction.
Ans: select min(amt)”min” from Transaction;

3.Find maximum amount of transaction.
Ans: select max(amt)”max” from Transaction;

4.Count the total account holders.
Ans: select count(acc_no)”acc_hoder” from Transaction;

5.Count only those records whose made of payment is ‘cash’.
Ans: select count(acc_no)”cash”  from Transaction where mode_of_pay = 'cash';

6.Count only those records whose transaction made in the month of ‘MAY’.
Ans: select count(Acc_no)”may”  from Transaction where to_char(tr_date, 'mon') = 'may';

7.Find the average value of transaction.
Ans: select avg(amt)”avg”  from Transaction;

8.Display the result of 4 rest to 4.
Ans: select power(4, 4) from dual;

9.Find the square root of 25.
Ans: select sqrt(25) from dual;

10.Write the query for the following Function.
               1:select lower('UVPCE') from dual;
               2:select upper('uvpce') from dual;
               3:selectinitcap('uvpce') from dual;
               4:selectsubstr('uvpce',2, 3) from dual;
               5:select length ('uvpce') from dual;
               6:selectLtrim('uvpce', 'u') from dual;
               7:selectrtrim('uvpce', 'e') from dual;
               8:selectlpad('uvpce', 10, '#') from dual;
               9:selectrpad('uvpce', 10 , '&') from dual;


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